Here4You, a collaboration of six leading mental health charities which support young people, is inviting schools nationwide to tune in and watch a mental health broadcast hosted by Roman Kemp on the 25th of January 2024. The short film will shine a light on the importance of looking after your mental health from an early age, and signpost the help and advice available to support our young people.

The unique Here4You film, aimed at 11–14 year olds, is being offered to over 4,000 schools and more than 35,000 teaching professionals in an unparalleled broadcast event aimed at tackling our youth mental health crisis.
Research shows an increased demand for mental health support, with record numbers of children and young people struggling and reaching crisis. In December 2022 there were over 494,415 open referrals to children and young people’s mental health services – the highest since records began*. NHS data published last month revealed 1 in 5 children and young people have a probable mental health condition now (up from 1 in 6 previously, and 1 in 9 in 2017)**. Recent ONS data shows that more than 200 young people took their lives in 2021***. Suicide, one of the leading causes of death in children and young people, is linked to many factors, including poor mental health****.
More young people need mental health support than ever before, but they don’t always know how to access it. Parents don’t always know how to help and teachers aren’t provided with the skills and resources needed. Here4You aims to meet mental health issues head on and improve our young people’s wellbeing across the nation, by enabling them to explore and improve their own mental health, whilst also providing positive help and information to them and the adults around them.

Working together for the first time ever are six leading charities: Shout, The Mix, YoungMinds, Place2Be, Joe’s Buddy Line and Mind. They have one clear, vital message – we are Here4You. The dedicated portal will signpost to the help and services available. Cutting through the clamour and pointing to the unconditional support and assistance available, in a positive and understanding way.
Roman Kempsaid, said: “We don’t want any young person feeling alone and not knowing where to go for help, so on the 25th of January, we’re making a special broadcast available to teachers and schools across the UK. We are getting our message out to young people that there is help and support whatever the issue. For the first time ever, six leading charities have joined forces, bringing all their knowledge into one place – with information for young people, parents and teachers. Let’s all work together and improve our mental health”.

In a joint statement, our charities say: “By working together with the Here4You campaign we hope to shine a light on the resources immediately available to young people, their families, carers, and teachers, as we work collectively to alleviate the current crisis in youth mental health. Each charity has specialist insight and skills to offer, and together we provide a range of support that our young people desperately need. will signpost the ways to reach key information and help in a one-stop website.”
Luke Bradley-Jones, Senior Vice President Direct-to-Consumer and General Manager, Disney+ EMEA, said: “At Disney, we care about supporting the emotional resilience of children and young people in partnership with others. That’s why we are proud to be supporting the Here4You campaign; raising awareness and signposting the helpful resources offered by some amazing charities who can help make a life-changing difference when it’s needed the most.”
Supporting the six charities as headline sponsor for Here4You is The Walt Disney Company UK. Other companies who are supporting include media partner, The Mirror, ITVX, BBC, Capital and VUE.
* Recent data in the YoungMinds: Impact report 2022-23 shows an increasing demand for mental health support, with record-high numbers of children and young people struggling with their mental health (source: YoungMinds/NHS 2022 Impact Report).
** NHS data published last month revealed 1 in 5 children and young people have a probable mental health condition now (up from 1 in 6 previously, and 1 in 9 in 2017).
*** Over 200 young people dying by suicide (source:
**** Suicide is one of the leading causes of death in children and young people. Suicide may be linked to many factors, including: poor mental health; self-harm; academic pressures or worries; bullying; social isolation; family environment and bereavement; relationship problems; substance misuse; or neglect. Risk factors are cumulative over the life course, and adverse childhood experiences, deprivation, and poor physical health also contribute to the risk. Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (2020) State of Child Health. London: RCPCH. [Available at:]